What are sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are spread by sexual contact. STIs can cause severe and harmful damage to your body—and in extreme cases result to death. With the exception of colds and flu, STIs are considered to be the most common contagious (easily spread) infections in the world at large, with millions of new cases each year. Although some STIs can be treated and cured, others cannot.Many STIs are asymptomatic, meaning there are no outward symptoms to alert you to the disease. Instead, they may cause serious health problems years later. While you might not be able to completely eliminate your risk of contracting an STI, you can reduce the risk. 

How are STIs transmitted?

A person with an STI can pass it to others by contact with skin, genitals, mouth, rectum, or body fluids. Anyone who has sexual contact—vaginal, anal, or oral sex—with another person may get an STI. STIs may not cause symptoms. Even if there are no symptoms, your health can be affected.

What causes STIs?

STIs are caused mainly by two forms of infections ( ie. bacterial or viral). STIs caused by bacteria are treated with antibiotics. Those caused by viruses cannot be cured, but symptoms can be treated.

What are some of the most common STIs?

  • Gonorrhea
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
  • Syphilis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
  • Chlamydia
  • Genital herpes

How can I reduce the risk of getting an STI?

The following are some ways one can develop in preventing the risk of getting an STI;

  1. Abstinence; Not having sex is the only way to avoid contracting an STD, including HIV. This is not a choice most people are willing to make. Practicing abstinence doesn’t mean that you can’t have a close and intimate relationship. Physical affection can be shown through kissing, hugging, massaging, etc. You can spend time together talking, going to the park, and enjoying one another’s company. Having sex can be saved until you and your partner are ready to make a monogamous commitment to one another.
  2. Get Tested; The only way to know if you or your partner has an STI is to get tested. Get tested and ask your sexual partners to get tested before you start having sex.
  3. Know your sexual partners and limit their number; Your partner’s sexual history is as important as your own. The more partners you or your partners have, the higher your risk of getting an STI.
  4. Avoid risky sex practices; Sexual acts that tear or break the skin carry a higher risk of STIs. Even small cuts that do not bleed let germs pass back and forth. Anal sex poses a high risk because tissues in the rectum tear easily. Body fluids also can carry STIs. Having any unprotected sexual contact with an infected person poses a high risk of getting an STI.
  5. Use a latex condom; Using a latex condom every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex decreases the chances of infection. Condoms lubricated with spermicides do not offer extra protection. Frequent use of some spermicides can increase the risk of HIV.
  6. Avoid Drinking or Doing Drugs; Drinking and drugs can lead to poor decision-making. It is easier to give in to sex, or to give in to not using condoms after having a few drinks or smoking a joint. If you are heading out to a party and know you will be drinking or getting high, make a promise to yourself that you won’t have sex. Ask a friend to help you keep that promise and bring you home instead of allowing you to leave with someone else.
  7. Get immunized; Vaccinations are available that will help prevent hepatitis B and some types of HPV.

Treatment of STIs

The treatment of STIs depends on the causative organism ( ie. whether it’s a viral or bacterial form of infection). Treatment is essential to prevent long-term complications. Some of the main points to ensure in treating STIs include:

  • All sexual partners of the infected person need to be checked for STIs so they can be treated to prevent further spread of any diseases.
  • Individuals at high risk of contracting a disease such as rape victims can be given broad-spectrum antibiotics such as azithromycin and cefixime.
  • Bacterial infections such as Chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea can be treated using antibiotics such as cephalosporins, penicillin and other agents.
  • Antiviral agents may be effective to a certain extent against herpes infection. In addition, warts may be treated using certain local treatments such as freezing therapy. For HIV infection, individuals are treated with antiretroviral agents to keep the viral load low.
  • Trichomonas vaginalis is treated using antibiotics while parasitic infections such as lice and scabies are treated with shampoos or creams that contain insecticides.

How can STIs affect pregnancy?

Having an STI during pregnancy can cause harm to the fetus. Gonorrhea and chlamydia both can cause health problems in the infant ranging from eye infections to pneumonia. Syphilis can result in miscarriage or stillbirth. Persons with HIV infection can pass it on to a baby during a vaginal birth.

If you are pregnant and you or your partner have had—or may have—an STI, it’s advisable to inform your health care professional. Your fetus may be at higher risk. Tests for some STIs are offered routinely during prenatal care. It is best to treat the STI early to decrease the chances that your fetus will get the infection before or after birth. You and your partner should be tested and treated if there are any of thoughts of transferring the infection to the baby.